What is the best form of exercise for weight loss?

Done correctly all of forms of exercise can be incredibly efficient for weight loss, anything that the body requires sufficient energy will burn calories and therefore will aid in weight loss. I would say the exercise you struggle with most or enjoy the least will probably give the best results as you have to work harder at it, that’s the reason we hate it!!! Me personally with my clients the HIIT gets the best results as it requires a lot of energy and there is the need for a trainer to push you further! 

What if you are just starting your weight loss journey?

With someone that is just beginning it is important to start with low impact, walking daily is great but don’t be afraid to push yourself with a few basic exercises, by setting aside 10-20 minutes of exercise to raise the heart rate three times a week not only helps with the weight loss but gets you used to a routine. It will also help with mental strength and a big sense of achievement. 

How do you measure weight loss?

Weight loss can seem easy to measure but weight loss can mean so many things and can have a lot of variants that could give the wrong impression on your goal. Assuming someone is looking to lose fat percentage then measuring fat is way more important, I’ve had clients in the past lose body fat, looking and feeling great but the scales aren’t being as kind as the mirror, that’s because they have increased muscle! Muscle is much denser than fat and so a less amount will weigh more.

What should you do if you plateau?

As someone loses weight it does seem to become harder to get to the next level, it is important to keep changing the type of exercise, often people will stick to the same thing but the body becomes more efficient at that movement and therefore, less challenging. My advise is always ask yourself at the end of a workout “was that challenging?” If the answer is no then it’s time to change it up and give yourself a new challenge.

How long does it take to lose weight? 

This will very much depend on the height, weight and age of a person. I would advise using common sense here and eat well, train hard and stay consistent and the right amount of weight will come off, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


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